#hehehehe it was a fun journey
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tryingtolearnartsob · 1 month ago
productive??? day??? 😳
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—I wasn’t gonna do more art…., I was tired but know what I watched some videos and came back to this artist that helped a lot and I think thinking of legs of like wrapping forms… helped instead of drawing the individual parts of leg but just thinking about the two parts wrap… helped… I just wanted to first get down how it was like (and did so initially roughly with finger) and kind of… helped start a figure session getting out the pen
—main things I wanted to keep in mind and think about was wrapping form and the way the body parts (rib waist pelvis) stack on top of each other… im still weak in the area of waist/pelvis but I did like this session. also focused on the hands too like the video helped a lot. like instead of trying to construct the hand with fingers from knuckles but instead… drawing where thumb/index/pinky come out from the hand helps so much more. still need to practice more on that but felt like hands were more easier that way…
—I did get bored of it and wanted to do other stuff and so it came to mind to go to the 🧊 terrible day comic… and yeah I needed to ref back to the manga to see how things looked like (the setting) but honestly I couldn’t bothered so I decided to just focused on the pose that was there and draw it more better(?) and ah…. Problem I had was like I didn’t know how to draw this hunched over position well… with hands in pocket. But one thing I realised was that the head is more lower and the traps/shoulders start to the ear but was just completely lost on how to get the legs right and gave up decided to look at some refs for later lmao.
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—and then well I wanted to see how the other pose would fair now… and I think main thing is thinking about how the arms would look like if I a person was tied up like that. like would it be more in or just very close to body but more straight to show that it’s being bound… and then well I did want to scribble in the other panel more but ehhh I think I still need to work on that posing stuffs But yeshhhh.
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—and then I went to the hina+boru idea…. I did want to have a specific idea but the posing or whatever I didn’t think of yet so time to scribble in stuffs… the first idea was fine but felt like I didn’t know what to do with boru? so I went with another idea but this time while it was good it didn’t convey what I wanted… I think it’s best that I think of more scenarios of what the vibe is cuz I know what like a “younger mom who isn’t mom yet meets future son” but not like an actual time travel thing but just having them interact…. So I think it’s good to think on it before doing this
—also it was kinda fun to just scribble in stuff… and not mattering how it looks just getting in the pose and stuff… and mannnnn trying to get posing of legs was hard once again. I lol haven’t spent time on them so that makes sense but still 💀💀💀
—also it was a bit trying to figure out the proportions of 🔩 and I think I made him more childlike than I wanted in the second pose idea….? But well. At least it’s a cute image to try to try and draw properly later (by later I mean sometime in the long future lol) even if it’s not wanting I was going for.
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—okay after that I was still wanting to sketch in character ideas and this one came to mind…. Originally it was a comic idea but my gosh while I do have all of the comic kinda scrippted out in my notes I could not be asked to do all of that. so I focused on the part that was the intial idea anyways and what the comic was born from.
—tried to get the feel of what I wanted and it was mostly trying to get closeness of him leaning over 🦋and was a bit lost on the arms since they aren’t an important part of the scene so I tried to for mitsu… get like something where it feels like he’s leaning over so his arms would probs in that direction to balance and for her it was hard cuz ha….. i had no idea what to do with her arms? I knew they were eating… ahhh I got already an idea for his arms(1.37) since they were eating maybe it’s already on the table… I think it would help to get an image of what they’re already doing like in scene which helps in knowing what the arm are doing before he leans over
—i think the direction of her face feels off but something to work on along with perspective too.
—it felt really nice when I added in more details to the scene to feel like they are in a scene and I think I might scrapped the comic idea after all. since it was never intially meant to be a comic and I think it’s unnecessary…? If I wanted more scene I think I can have be more loose… instead of establishing an entire moment with having lol panels of them just in the burger place. too much trouble and not interested in doing so right now
—also tried to add in the other characters that would be in the scene (which I think might be playing games) but ehhhh I think they should be probs more overlapping? Them? And the perspective on them… I thought that you’d see more of their hands so more of looking down so I probs need to fit the 🦋🐍 to fit it more… but also I don’t think the other characters matter so I think it would be fun to a composition where the other characters are completely in foreground so you can only see their large arm or whatever and in between that you can see 🦋🐍 … I think that would be fun to try…! 1.42
—I did want to do more character posing stuff/ideas but too tired for that and ahhh really want to try colouring and the whole ⏳thing back again (might just make a bday illustration then thinking about pose) (since it’s what shit… tmmr. lol) also want to drawwwww ss + skkr since i saw this art that GOT ME REALLY EXCITED also made me think ahh… I do want to draw skkr more like her canon design but not like completely? like that’s the vibe I want. and also I want to try colouring her hair and the pink right now. but that’s for later if I get around to doing it.
but mainly im really happy i got to sketching/doodling some character stuff since that’s WHAT I WANT…!!!!! YES!!!!! 1.45
—3.13 im really supposed to be sleeping and want to sleep… but also I can’t be bothered to and watched some waist videos and found this leg video that looks good but don’t have attention span for it so I think I will watch it later… but I think I’ve got? A sort of idea to tackle waist stuff but also too tired right now to try and draw stuff… or more like I don’t have energy to get up and draw lol
—yeah I didn’t do any of that. I went offff and well then the time came to be like evening when I realised I haven’t done any more art stuff and was like right okay I don’t think there’s any more for today but then…!!!! while lookin at fanart stuff on x…!!!! I got sudden urge to prac…figure….!! I wanted to get better<333 but I just couldn’t be bothered to do…. but then when I got this idea while browsing through the 🔥🔵 discord… and I just wanted to draw…?! and heh thankfully as soon as i opened procreate, what I saw was the figure session I left on… heh… so I just thought might as well get some figure practice in first…!
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—one thing to say is that wow… I can really feel my improvement. to be able to see a pose and then draw in diff way.. trying to make it more dynamic…. just…!!! yo!!!! and also to see how I did balance wrong first and to be able to fix it…!!!!!! im so improving heh.
—saw this other pose I thought was interesting and by interesting hard too lmao. I think I got that the neck was important point… and I just the legs??? yeahhh. Also I thought I got the way the pose felt more relaxed in the ref…. I should get back to this one to study later day….
—and lol as usual me telling my self to prac arms 😔😔😔 i did do some lil hand studies in the corner…. and have to say they don’t look completely so that’s a win in my books. I was following this tip I saw in a video to draw the outer most fingers first (thumb, index, pinky) and like it def helped a lot with spacing but much need to work on, still ahaha.
—and then hehehe for the highlight of the day…!!!!! man I had this idea for it and went to doodling immediately for the pose and yeah I wasn’t at all satisfied of how it was and kinda did an adjustment seeing if it was because they weren’t closer and I think it still felt off…? and so I looked the mental image that I had and I realised ah. well. it’s cuz the one in my mind is so much more dynamic and fun and focuses on 🦩’s face rather then the actually pulling. so. then it did help pausing down and jotting down stuff to more better actualise stuff (also trying to draw the arm coming from neko’s shoulder back view was so???? also I did have a plan on having two panel thingy where I do a reveal of neko’s face so I thought it would make sense for this to have back view of his head.
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—and so this time..!!!!! yes it came out soooo much better as you can the third attempt. also this time I realised while drawing that it would be better to not have the arms as the focal point but it’s actually 🦩’s face…!!!!! and I wanted some pull/push action like it looks like he’s actuallyyyy reeling him in you know and I think having the hands there is good decision for that. and I don’t know if I was gonna have legs in there at first but I think it adds to it…!!! also ahahah tried to make it look like one of his legs were going backwards like he’s actually pulling him in. many thanks to saito-sensei in that one correction video that helped so much ahahahh. but I did feel like something was still off
—so i made another adjustment of trying to bring Neko closer and hey!!! I think that made it feel much better. also before i forget to mention when initially redrawing the pose and doing second attempt for dynamic stuff… i had the arms much lower intially…!
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—as you can see the first version was sooo much lower and I was like yeah no that wouldn’t work and did it higher and ahahahah in final version it got to be around 🦩’s ear since I felt like it best pushed the action of pulling. (And lol in my other adjustments, I made it even more)
—alright while I was happy with this final-ish version hmmm. I thought maybe it would be better to have neko be more 3/4 back view and tbh yeah I didn’t really know what I was doing here but I went to diff page and tried to redraw over it since it was soooo difficult trying to erase and get that more 3/4 view and it just wasn’t working cuz I realised it wouldn’t make sense either???? I’d have to change 🦩’s pose too??? I think??? Anyways instead it just turned into a redraw cleaner version…? Of the pose and yeah I didn’t like it at first since with the redraw I kinda just did the overall silhouette which made it flatter
—but I did do adjustments to neko’s other arm. making more out there so it adds to more of the fluid gesture and ah I think the reason the overall body felt flat was because it does straight…? and so like I made his legs more out so it looks like he’s being pulled it. and I think I did it? also tried to draw in the back a bit but my gosh do I need more practice with that stuff kinda treading adding in clothes over back… hmmm… I need to practice some more hahaha. backs are HARD!
—anyways there was lil time of day left so I thought to get in the other part of the idea in… and wellllll. Last one is the more finalised version. Had the idea of having neko’s reaction and intially trying to draw pose from diff angle is harddd but I think the way I approached it was like not the best? I just went to drawing it starting from his face and was terrible decision since I was like ??? and yeah it was def all falling apart but i still kept on scribbling it in just wanting to get the overall down. and i do think it’s funny seeing it in comparison to the other version lmaooo. like???? what is even happening in the pose. trying to draw from diff angle is hard and even more especially when you don’t visualise stuff properly and just go straight into it especially LOL when this is a character interaction pose honestly.
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—also lol i did have lil character more expression face but deleted it cuz i was just????? on how to do the pose from diff angle i probs should have realised here that starting from face was terrible idea ahaha. but overall heheh best way to end day. I felt soooo accomplished n nice heheheh.
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lyculuscaelus · 24 days ago
Ok now maybe imagine if it didn’t take too long for Odysseus to finish the oar quest as instructed by Teiresias, say, a year or two (maybe three but tops I swear) from when he sailed from Ithaca to the mainland and went all the way northwards, until he at last finished the ritual and then returned once more back to his homeland.
It wasn’t a woeful journey, this time—just receiving Xenia from different cities, meeting some old faces and new faces (cue Acarnan and Amphoterus sons of Alcmaeon in Acarnania; maybe catching up with his brother-in-law Alyzeus in the city of Alyzia; maybe visiting Amphilochus in Amphilochia cuz why not; maybe helping out a young Thesprotian prince Polypoetes son of Pheidon the deceased king in a war and having to sign an adoption contract), disguising as an old man, lying his way northward—“hey look I’m just a simple Cretan but I can tell you about Odysseus if you want” (turns out all those non-Homeric traditions are stories Odysseus in disguise told to those Epirotes along the way), maybe all the way to Buthrotum where Helenus and Andromache welcomed him unaware of his identity (as he yapped about how he was a Ciconian whose hometown Ismarus was destroyed by cruel Odysseus as he was brought along the way until getting marooned in Thrinacia and something something Phoenicians and stuff) as they traded stories and ended up lamenting the fall of Troy and talking shit on Odysseus—including Odysseus himself (“fun,” says Odysseus as he continues throwing slanders on himself, “now shall I tell you how he died by some guy named Telegonus, someone born to him on Aeaea though I didn’t see anything”), maybe reaching the land of Illyrians where he heard about their history from Cadmus’s arrival to the not-so-recent Epigonoi war (and all Odysseus can think about is his bestie), maybe finding his way past the Riphean Mountains to Hyperborea where he finally performed the ritual (I mean, no ship, no salt…sounds like it).
Then maybe he’s picking a path south-east to visit some old friends (*snaps* what did you say Nauplius has done again *picks up a rock* alr say it again), maybe traversing the rest of Greece from Thessaly (didn’t see you back in war—how are y’all faring, O so many sons of Heracles?) to Mycenae (your dad sends his regards from hell, Orestes) to Argos (wait where the heck is my Diomedes) to Sparta (Menelaus: hehehehe I knew you’d make it old buddy oh btw your son has your thighs) to Pylos where Nestor finally gave him a ship to go home cuz he had no oar left (Nestor: also Peisistratus my boy I know you want to go to Ithaca for some…*coughs* specific reasons so here’s the ship and you’re the captain).
Back to Ithaca! Telemachus celebrated Odysseus’s return with joy (and was surprised by Peisistratus’s arrival). During his father’s absence he had run the kingdom well—a good job continuing to reestablish the class of nobility in Cephalonia as Odysseus willed it. Then Odysseus found Penelope waiting at the olive tree, as she met his gaze and smiled—and the world was again back into shape, for Odysseus, the great craftsman.
And this time, Odysseus finally realized he was this old, this tired, after all the years of traveling. The world of wanderings, in the end, had become too much, too far away, for the man of twists and turns. Not even the world of reality could mend the scars left in his heart, a mind forever haunted by shadows of the past. But for now, a world of home would do—it’d be everything for him, really—just a man with his family, and the peaceful days he had long craved.
So he swore to stay, here by the side of his love ones, never again to be apart. So he stayed, for the rest of his life, till death in the coming days did them part…
He’d inherit his father’s farm after old Laërtes’s death, and teach Telemachus the art of gardening, to take care of all the grape vines, fig trees, pear trees, apple trees, and…olive trees. He’d sing his tales to the new generation of Ithacan children, mentoring them on the virtues of Xenia, of bravery, of love. And he’d go back to his old habit of carving, sculpting figurines out of wood—oh, but he’d make so many wonders—the monsters of legends (that he had seen), the faces of old acquaintances (that he would never forget), the images of gods (that he had stolen)…and he’d show them all to his family, and sometimes, to his people struck by curiosity.
Meanwhile, Telemachus would be so delighted to indulge a father who had long missed the chance to raise his own child, as a son who had never got the chance to make any childhood memory with his father. And so often would they roam around in the forests, catching up days forever lost to them both. Meanwhile, Penelope would be so enamored of her husband’s passion, as the one who knew his mind best (oh, what a blessing of homophrosyne). And so often would they pace around in the farm, chattering at length from the rosy-fingered Dawn till the star-filled night…
Maybe at some point, the memories would prove to be too heavy for the old king. Days and nights his family would find him whispering commands that went unheard, words of comfort that he no longer needed—or that he needed the most. All he saw were illusions of the horror he had once witnessed. All he heard were hallucinations of the Siren song he had once heard. Maybe after all these years, ptsd had finally caught up with him. Maybe it went even worse after Penelope’s passing…
Until one day, a stranger knocked the gate of Odysseus’s palace open.
Prince Telemachus offered him food—he politely refused, asking to meet the old king right away.
Odysseus came out, fixing his gaze on the visitor’s face—it seemed foreign, yet strangely familiar—it was as if he had known him so long ago, in a place he couldn’t quite name. But the stranger only moved forward, meeting Odysseus’s eyes.
“Come,” he said gently. “Time to join the rest of them…time to join her.”
And Odysseus knew.
Turning to his son, Odysseus muttered a few words of comfort. Somehow, Telemachus knew this to be a farewell—he embraced his father one last time, smiling in tears.
The prince of Ithaca watched the two of them walk away, to the sea where the stranger came from, as he suddenly leapt, spreading a pair of wings, carrying Odysseus off quickly. Realization struck him finally.
The stranger was none other than fearful Thanatos.
So this is the Death that comes to him from the sea, in such a gentle way.
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mochiwrites · 6 months ago
title: the avalon saga
warning(s): graphic depictions of violence, (minor) character death
chapter(s): 1/3
relationship: scar/grian (established) | scar & pearl
Scar breathes in, beginning to speak, “Alright everyone, time to listen up–and closely. Tonight’s the night we make the Avalonians pay; this is our one chance you hear? We don’t get any do-overs if we mess this up.” He speaks in a quiet hush, feeling the eyes of thirty men on him. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The fire in his hand burns bright. Humans by nature follow the man who shows his confidence, the man who enters a situation with a plan, a clear head. Scar wears his confidence like a mask, clear and obvious, and striking to anyone’s eye. He looks at his men with a spark in his eye, one of danger and self-assuredness. “Do what I say, and we’ll all make it out of here alive.”
it's been seven years since scar has seen his family. his journey home finally begins.
read on ao3 here!
FINALLY. THE SCARIAN EPIC AU BEGINS >:D wisdom saga broke my resolve and I'm sitting down to finally write out the au. I'm !!!!!! super excited to start this omg hehehehe. if you know epic the musical. have fun. if you DON'T know epic the musical. :)
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cinnamostar · 1 year ago
01: home
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part two.
pairing : minho x gn!reader
summary : minho had waited in front of the entrance of the forest for you until the sky darkened, his eyes welling up with tears as he came to accept that you had forgotten about him that day. maybe you needed to go home that day and forgot to tell him before school, he thought. although, he realized something far greater than that had happened as he arrived at the front of your house, the for sale sign standing in the yard without a trace of human presence in the home.
wc : 3.8k
cw : childhood friends, arguing, angst, sadness, mentions of bullying + racism/xenophobia, mentions of alcohol, idk what else
a/n : tried a new writing styles, lmk what you think!!! also pls let me know if you guys are interested in a part 2 :3 this fic is very much inspired by the movie past lives heheheh
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The low buzzing of mosquitoes filled your ears while you wandered down the dirt trail with trepidation as the vast forest surrounded you the deeper you ventured in. Tufts of grass tickled your ankles as your clammy hands clenched your best friend’s, who had dragged you out against your will, insisting it would be a fun adventure to test your bravery. 
Every now and then, he’d look back and shoot you a wide, childish grin, a gap taking the place of the front tooth he had just lost last week. “C’mon, Y/N! Walk faster!” 
You nodded meekly at your friend, admiring how he fearlessly marched forward, while you anxiously trudged behind him, biting your lip to release some of the tension in your body. Every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig would cause you to jump, afraid that something would jump out at you in the next second, but Minho’s gentle grasp would always bring you back down with a reassuring squeeze, reminding you that you were not alone as you hiked into the unknown. You weren’t sure where you were heading, neither did you know if the seven year old boy ahead of you knew, but his presence was enough to ease you, trusting that everything would be okay as long as he was there.
“It’s okay, Y/N, we’re almost there! You’re going to love it.”
Although only ten minutes had passed, it felt as if this journey was lasting for an excruciating amount of hours as anxiety loomed over you. All you could see was the different hues of green leaves enveloping you, the site of the park you had come from no longer in view as the forest swallowed you whole, only bits of the sunlight made its way through the dense leaves above you, coloring the dirt path with shadows and lights. You looked above, hoping to find the comforting blue sky looking down on you, but not even the heavens were there to accompany you on this trek. It was just you, Minho, and the eerily quietness of the woods.
You decided to put your blinded trust in Minho, shutting your eyes closed as the daunting feeling of claustrophobia began to bubble up your stomach, not daring to take in any more of your surroundings. Suddenly, Minho had come to a stop, causing you to collide into his back as you slowly opened your eyes, unsure what you’d be met with. 
“We’re here,” Minho whispered to you breathlessly from all the walking, turning his head to look over his shoulder, “Look, I found it the other day, it reminded me of you.”
You reluctantly peeked your head out from behind him, a small and excited gasp escaping your lips as you marveled at the sight before you. It was like a photo from one of your nature books had come to life before your eyes. There laid a pond with clear waters and lily pads floating atop of it, soft ripples forming in the water as tadpoles swam just beneath the surface. Just to the right of the pond was the faintest stream of water cascading into the pond, bubbles forming where the brook met the pond as the light trickles of it accompanied the low hum of the forest. 
You had forgotten you weren’t alone as Minho’s giggles brought you out your trance, his eyes beaming with affection as he watched your frightful expression turn into one of amazement and discovery. 
“See, I knew you’d like it. Sometimes you need to pass a test of bravery to get something cool at the end.”
For a seven year old, Minho often said profound things as if he had lived a life full of experiences, things only an adult from a movie or book would say, but in his own childlike vocabulary. You didn’t always quite understand what he meant, but always kept those small tidbits of profundity with you, hoping one day you’d grow to learn the meaning behind his words.
“But jeez, you’re such a scaredy cat. You should’ve seen the look on your face,” he teased as he now faced you, a hand pinching one of your cheeks.
And sometimes, he would just be like any other kid who was messing with his friends, saying something outrageous and nonsensical the next second. He was a strange kid, but you had grown to adore his unpredictability throughout the years of your friendship. You rolled your eyes playfully at his remarks, knowing he meant well, “So what if I was scared?”
“I think it’s cute when you’re scared. You always hold my hand when you are.”
Your face grew warm at his comment, an innocent smile gracing his features as he looked off to the pond. You pouted as butterflies fluttered into your stomach, making their presence known for the umpteenth time today, “Whatever…”
You returned your attention to the pond, walking to its edge as you squatted down with an arm and head resting on your knees as the other reached down to touch the cool water. Your fingers dipped beneath the surface and waved underneath, hoping you’d catch the attention of the tadpoles, but instead the sudden movement shooed them away. 
“How did you find this?”
The boy stood in his place from earlier, opting to admire the scene from afar, “Well, I went out exploring with my dad the other day and it was just here. I learned the path back to show you. Do you like it?”
“It’s so pretty. Can we come here again?”
“Of course.”
Since that day, it had become a small ritual between the two of you, stopping by nearly everyday after school to spend time by the small pond as you slowly learned to appreciate the peaceful quietude of the wilderness. On the days your mother would tell you she needed you home after school, you’d always approach Minho with big, teary eyes and trembling lips, disappointed that you’d have to miss out on a time you had cherished so much with him. And every single time, Minho would pull you into his embrace, place a small kiss on your head, (a gesture he had learned from his own mother), and reassure you, promising that you both would go the next day.
This routine had lasted for a bit over a year, until one day your parents sat you down and told you that the family was moving away to the United States later that month. You had known this was going to happen eventually, as your parents mentioned this in passing to you over the last few months as they prepared for the move, but your child brain couldn’t comprehend the passage of time and just how fast this had all come.  You immediately broke down into tears, begging your parents to let you stay, not wanting to leave all your friends behind so soon, not ready to confront the uncertainty this new country had. You were scared, terrified for what this had all meant, and the worse part of it all was that you wouldn’t have Minho holding your hand through it all this time. He was staying behind, you were leaving him.
Days had gone by as the day you were moving had come close, and you still hadn’t told Minho that you were moving. You didn’t know how to, you were afraid he would cry or be angry at you, so eventually, weeks had gone by without you saying a word. 
Then, you left without a word, never telling your best friend you were leaving and never giving him the chance to send him off with a proper goodbye. 
Minho had waited in front of the entrance of the forest for you until the sky darkened, his eyes welling up with tears as he came to accept that you had forgotten about him that day. Maybe you needed to go home that day and forgot to tell him before school, he thought. Although, he realized something far greater than that had happened as he arrived at the front of your house, the for sale sign standing in the yard without a trace of human presence in the home.
Panic settled into his body as he sped his way home, not being able to understand what was going on as he rushed to his mother, tears falling down his face as he screamed that something happened to you and your family, how you never showed up to the pond that day.
His mother leaned down as she pulled him into a tight hug, a comforting hand rubbing his back in an attempt to soothe him, “Oh, sweetie, didn’t Y/N tell you?” 
Minho looked up at his mother, his face reddening as he continued to sob, a confused look on his face as he shook his head no. His mother cooed at him with a saddened look, pressing a kiss on his forehead, “I’m sorry, sweetie. I thought they did. Their dad got a job in America, so their family is moving there.”
Minho stood there in shock, sniffling as he croaked another sob, “What? Does this mean they’re gone? They’re never coming back?”
“No, baby, they’ll come back eventually. I don’t know when, but they will.”
You had abandoned Minho with no warning, consequently breaking his heart as he mourned the loss of his best friend.
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While your parents kept in contact with one another, Minho refused to ever speak to you over the phone whenever he had the chance, as the love and adoration he once had for you festered into anger and resentment for leaving him without warning. 
It hurt you every time you asked over the phone if Minho could talk, and all you would hear was a loud, upset no from the background after his mother would ask. Your eyes would water up each time, his mother apologizing for him and saying he would soon get over his feelings. 
You hated living in the United States. It was an entirely different culture you were not prepared for as you struggled to communicate with other kids your age, unable to make friends due to the apparent language barrier. Everyday after school, you’d come home in a flood of tears, exhausted and upset at how difficult everything was.
You couldn’t understand your teachers and lessons, always performing poorly even though you knew you could do well. You couldn’t make friends, always being made fun of by other kids due to your accent and jokes constantly flew over your head. Everything about you had become a weapon everyone else had used against you, and the parts of you you once loved and once were proud of became something you rejected, something you felt ashamed of. Back home, you were so smart and witty, always the center of attention, yet here, you were just a stupid kid who didn’t fit in.
You missed Minho so much, wishing he was here with you to help you fight through it all with your hand in his. If he was there, he would’ve told off all the kids for you. He was much braver than you ever were, and you needed him there. Although, as time ran its course, you eventually gave up on the idea of ever reconciling with Minho and thought he would reach out to you whenever he was ready.
Except that day never came, and he had long become a memory of a past life you no longer knew. 
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Years have gone by since you left your home country and all you had left of it was the faint outlines of memories that faded away with age, much like how pencil marks slowly disappear from paper as time wears it down. Well into your adult years now, you have grown accustomed to life in the United States and have eventually learned the language, made friends, and even lost touch with roots as many immigrant children do. Although, as you grew older, you began to yearn for the country you once called home and remember where you had come from, feeling ashamed that you had neglected such a crucial part of your identity for so long. 
Today, for the first time in years, you and your parents returned to your home country as a small celebration for your college graduation, deciding it was appropriate to revisit your childhood before embarking on your journey as an adult. You already had a job lined up once you returned to the states, so you were going to take advantage of the limited time you had here.
Much like you, everything here has changed through the passage of time, yet the familiar comfort of home remains as your eyes scan over each detail through the car window. Even the humid air smelled the same, your face smiling as memories slowly crept their way into your mind. As the car drove you to your aunt’s house, you were catching glimpses of the past as convenience stores, parks, and even your old school greeted you, still looking the exact same as you remembered, but just a little dulled down as the years weathered on them.
The car came to a halt at the front of your aunt’s home, your parents and you taking your luggage from the trunk as you bid the driver a goodbye. As you were approaching the front door steps, your aunt came bursting out with an excited gasp, tears filling her eyes as she pulled you into a familiar embrace, “Oh, Y/N! Look at you! You’re all grown up now!”
She pulls away as her hands rest over your shoulders as she takes a moment to beam at your face, taking in every detail she had missed over the years, “My, aren’t you adorable too! I’ve missed you all so much,” she laughed cheerfully as she then went over to greet your parents in the same fashion. 
“I missed you too, auntie,” you breathed out a content chuckle as you enter her home, admiring how it still looked the same way you remembered it, just a bit more modernized.
After settling down in the guest rooms, your family sat with your aunt to eat a dinner she had prepared for you all, even going as far as making some of your childhood favorites. Each bite sent shivers down your spine as your eyes rolled back with nostalgia rushing over you, reminiscing all the times you spent as a child eating each of these dishes at the very table you were sitting at.
“Wow, this is all so good,” you mumble after taking a huge bite of meat, letting out a pleasured hum as you chew.
“Y/N, honey, please don’t talk with your mouth full,” your father scolds, shooting an apologetic and embarrassed look to his sister.
Your aunt let out a belly laugh as she waves you dad off, “Nonsense! Let them enjoy their food. I am just glad you have you guys back.”
Your mother smiles at her comment, nodding her head in agreement, “Us too, it’s good to be back, even for a bit. Thank you for having us.”
“Oh, of course. How could I ever say no to my brother?” smiles your aunt, before turning to you, “Is there anything special you wanted to do while you were here? Do you have anything planned?”
You shake your head, “No, not really. Just kinda wanted to spend time with family for the most part.”
“Oh, what about Minho? I know you two were close as kids. Are you going to see him? He still lives here.”
Your heart stops for a moment as your brain recalls your old best friend, a name that hadn’t crossed your mind in years as fragments of your memories began to resurface, ones that you didn’t even know you have. “Wow, I forgot about him, honestly.”
Your mom gives you a comforting smile, noticing a slight sadness in your eyes, “Well, I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to catch up with him, no? Aren’t you curious to know what he has been up to all these years?”
You nod, feeling uneasy at the thought of coming face to face with your former friend after the stunt your younger self pulled on him, “Ah, maybe. We’ll see.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
You had spent the last few days catching up with your cousins, letting them take you out wherever they thought you had to see and show you what you’ve been missing. Unfortunately for you, that meant you were dragged off to a night of drinking and while you had fun with lots of laughs, you were beginning to regret all the alcohol you had ingested the night before as you woke up with a pounding headache. 
Since the day your aunt mentioned Minho over dinner, you couldn’t help but wonder what he had been up to nowadays, what he looked like, if he had changed much, your heart yearning for the boy you once loved as a child. While you could’ve easily asked any of your family members where to find him, you were also dreading having to face after so long. What if he was still mad at you? What if he was disappointed in who you’ve become? What if he had become an insufferable asshole over the years? 
The insurmountable what-if’s were too much for you to bear, choosing it was best to avoid the subject much as you both have all these years. Yet, you couldn’t ignore the pang in your heart as you looked through your old memories of him, part of you wishing to relive that childlike innocence you lost when you moved away.
That’s when you remembered the old pond Minho and you once frequented as children and thought maybe this was the respite you needed for not only your hurt soul, but your hangover too. Maybe you needed the peace and tranquility of mother nature today.
You felt your heart swell with anxiety as you approached the start of the trail you had become so acquainted with, noticing the same trees decorating the entrance, the only difference was their thickened trunks and roots that had overgrown onto the poorly maintained path. 
You begin to make the trek into the forest, enjoying the gentle zephyr that kisses your skin, inviting you back into your old safe haven as if it recognizes you. The familiar buzzing of mosquitoes greets your ears, along with the songs of birds filling the rest of the space.
A gentle smile melts onto your face as you arrive at the same pond that somehow remains unchanged over the years, just like how you remembered it all those years ago. It was as if you were going back in time as you took in your surroundings, your mind replaying memories of the days you and Minho spent here as children, recalling the first time he had forced you out here and how glad you were that he did.
There are still tadpoles swimming in the water, your smile widening as you realize the frogs are still laying eggs here, even after all these years. You feel at home again seeing how this was like your own little time capsule, a feeling of safety and comfort taking over you, one you hadn’t felt in years. You don’t know how much had passed, but the sound of crunching leaves and twigs startled you from your daze, visibly jumping in place as you turned to see the source of the sound.
Behind you was a man about your age standing there, surprise and confusion painting his face, scanning you from head to toe while analyzing your features. Your face mirrors the same expression he wore as you took him in, your eyes widening as you recognize the man standing before you as none other than your childhood best friend, Minho. 
Somehow, he still looks like the boy you once knew, the only difference being that he grew into his feature with a more matured air around him, his eyes tired from god knows what.
“Y/N…?” he spoke with disbelief, not entirely believing the sight before his eyes.
For a moment, both of you could only stare at each other, unsure how to react or what to say in the moment, as it felt like you both had just seen a ghost appear in front of you. Your mouth dries as you search for the right words, resisting the overwhelming urge to just jump into his arms and cry out a mess of an apology between tears.
“You’re… here? You’re back?” he questions with a gleam of hope in his eyes, all the memories of his youth flooding back in as his heart swelled with joy, the bitter resentment he had held for so long disappearing for a moment.
“Just for a bit,” you whisper nervously, “I’m just visiting with family.”
The soft smile on Minho’s face began to drop as disappointment colored his face, the hurt he felt all those years ago as a child bubbling back up in his tummy, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth while feeling foolish to think you had moved back home. 
“I… Y/N, why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?”
You felt your heart contort from guilt and agony as you watched Minho’s smile dissipate, his eyes now shining as they watered while recalling the painful memory of the day you left.
“Minho, I’m sorry, I really am. I tried to apologize to you after, but you never wanted to talk after.”
“I waited for you that day. I waited for you to come here, but you never showed up. I went all the way to your house and saw it was empty. My mom had to tell me,” you were wishing the world would swallow you whole as tears streamed down your face, “Y/N, did you not want to say goodbye? Did you not even miss me?”
“Of course I missed you, Minho. I wanted to stay here with you, but telling you I was moving was scary and I didn’t know how.”
His eyebrows furrow at your words, his lips trembling as he tried to hold back a cry as he croaked out with a mixture of sadness and anger, “You left me, Y/N. It wasn’t fair, you don’t know how much I cried for you. Did you even care about how I felt?”
“Minho, I know what I did hurt you and I regret it so much, you meant so much to me, but I was just a kid. I didn’t know any better.”
Minho focuses his gaze to the ground as tear drops roll off his face, the fabric of his shirt darkening as they make their landing, shaking his head side to side, he whispers, “You know, I was a kid too.”
With that, he looks at your face with a hurt expression one last time, turning his back towards you as he walks away, not failing to leave you with a gut-wrenching thought, “Maybe you shouldn’t have come back.”
This wasn't the hangover cure you came looking for.
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taylormarieee · 1 year ago
Unspoken Feelings...
Part 6.
social media au: Charlie Bushnell x Fem!Actress!Reader
| official..y/n |
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♡💬 Liked by aryansimhadri, leahsavajeffries, dior.n.goodjohn and others.
official..y/n- In honour of Dior's New song FOCUS which is out NOWW! GO LISTEN! I am a proud D-MINION/ part of the DIORDOM! Love you so much @ dior.n.goodjohn
dior.n.goodjohn- AHHHH THAT PICTURE! HOW DARE YOU! ↪official..y/n- Oh no Is Clarisse la rue gonna come after me??
↪ dior.n.goodjohn- Count your days y/n😡
walker.scobell- FOCUSING ON ME!🎶
iamcharliebushnell- This song is soo good! Go listen now guys!
↪dior.n.goodjohn- I LOVE YOU TOO!
leahsavajeffries- This song is my roman empire!
roseyposey- Look at y/n being a supportive bestie!
| leahsavajeffries |
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♡💬 Liked by iamcharliebushnel, official..y/n, dior.n.goodjohn and others.
leahsavajeffries- Awesome weekend with y/n creds to her for these pictures that she sent me! @official..y/n!
official..y/n- AHHHHHH! That was such a fun weekend! Love you babe! you know i'm gon get you right<33
↪leahsavajeffries- LOVE YOU MORE!
iamcharliebushnell- y/n is a D1 photographer, she always got me right.
↪official..y/n- well no duh! Of course I am, don't you guys know this? I thought you would know by now! I have a gift.
↪dior.n.goodjohn- sure girl, keep telling yourself that...
↪official..y/n- your just salty because of that picture I posted of you. Girl move on lol
↪dior.n.goodjohn- never!
| official..y/n |
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♡💬 Liked by iamcharliebushnel, walker.scobell, aryansimhadri and others.
official..y/n- Just so yk, being with this man 24/7 is insufferable... help me SOS, I am being held hostage! HERMES GET YOUR SON! @lin_manuel
iamcharliebushnell- what did I tell you hmm? Back to the dungeon you go! You will join me!
↪official..y/n- I WILL NEVER BETRAY PERCY!
walker.scobell- I'M COMING Y/N!🌊🏄🏼‍♂️
leahsavajeffries- PERCY WE NEED A PLAN TO SAVE HER!
dior.n.goodjohn- I was accused so i'm not helping...hehehehe
↪official..y/n- I'm hurt.
aryansimhadri- come on guys I'm still on my journey for pan!
lin_manuel- I can't save you... I'm sorry...
↪official..y/n- wowwwwwwwwwwww! I feel betrayed.
roseyposey- I love this cast! CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON 2!
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Taglist: @lizziesfirstwife @angelicdanvers @prettyinsatiable @angelinajolie0213 @maryann2013 @kneehe-nehar7 @rhydianissuperior @urmomsbananabread @reader-bookling123 @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @csifandom @repostingmyfavs @leo-lvr @glorywielder101 @aanoia @madelainelupin16 @ahh-chickens @callsignwidow
A/N: Sorry this has been so delayed! I hope you guys enjoy this one!
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jhdyuiee · 6 months ago
it’s been a bit since my last ask but you already know i’ve still been obsessed with everything Jaehyun but I also recently got into NCT Dream and Jeno is so so pretty
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hiii, omggg i love this journey ur going on as a czennie! fun fact, nct dream were actually my first nct song & they’re the ones who got me into nct! my bias in dream is jaemin, hes sillies & cutesy :3 … jeno though 😉 heheheh
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octuscle · 2 years ago
What's up bro? After that lunar landing, India seems like the place to be! Problem is, I don't think the suitcase I brought will be enough for me to last seeing everything from the Taj Mahal to the golden temple. Can I borrow one of the DEL suitcases?
There is actually another suitcase. A fairly new aluminum suitcase from RIMOWA. Looks very expensive. And doesn't necessarily match your dusty and sweaty tourist outfit…. But since no one else has contacted me: Have fun with it!
Delhi… A really huge city. But also really challenging for a tourist who doesn't speak Hindi. But slowly you get used to the strange English they speak here. And somehow you finally find the Airbnb in the old city, a stone's throw from the Red Fort. It smells of sweat, urine and exotic spices in the stairwell. The stairs are steep and you are pretty tired. Heaving your suitcases up is really exhausting. But you have made it. You'll see what's in the big new suitcase tomorrow. You just want to sleep. It looks like the bed in the room hasn't even been made yet. You don't care about that now. Just sleep…
When you wake up the next morning, your old suitcase is gone. But also your old pajamas are gone. You lie naked in bed. And something is different… Your morning wood is hard as steel. Hehehehe, that's not bad… But it's also darker somehow. A shade like a coffee with a shot of milk. Coffee! Yes, you need it now. You get out of the silk-sheeted bed and your boner leads you like a divining rod to the coffee maker in the alcove between your dressing room and the master bath. After the first coffee, quickly take a shower and then get dressed.
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And then a second coffee. Your driver will be here soon. Good thing your suitcase is already packed next to you.
You don't like Noida. But many of your friends live there because they have located their startup companies there and it is easier to find capable software developers. But that's not your world either. Your family made their money generations ago in real estate and in the textile industry. And you now head the banking and finance division in your family holding company. After all, you have financed some of your friends' startups. And today one of your friends is getting married. In Noida. You'll survive that, too.
The journey was long, as usual. Getting out of Delhi takes time. But at least you were able to make a number of phone calls while your driver navigated the car safely through the traffic chaos. Now you have moved into your suite. In the corridor hectic movements between the rooms. Bridesmaids and other guests scurry from room to room. You hate this hassle. In life, you would never think of getting married. But the bellboy who carried your suitcase upstairs was hot. You call the front desk and ask for someone to help you unpack your luggage and get dressed. The hotel is one of the most preferred locations for weddings in Noida. You are a regular guest here. They know your preferences. And the bellboys love your cock. You can already imagine that now there will be a fight again, who is allowed to blow you and gets the tip for it.
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Yes, that was good… Your cock dangles relaxed between your legs. Your clothes fit perfectly. So on to the ballroom. And let's see who is your boring dinner companion this time.
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friday-answers · 5 months ago
HI first of all the last excerpt???? EXCUSE ME THIS WHOLE PLOT IS SO FUNNNN I absolutely love Solus already!!!! Can’t wait to know more about the agency and the sinkholes… Lots of love and thank you again for sharing this beautiful piece of your mind with us 🫶🫶
Secondly I’m here to discuss s3! Spoilers incoming:
What are your thoughts on Imogen and Sahar? I am actually really happy with the whole thing (even if my soft romantic heart is still kind of hoping they end up together haha, I am full of contradictions okay?)
And Tori and Micheal? I literally cried every time they appeared on screen I love them SO much, I was just a little disappointed Tori did´t get to say she’s asexual like she does in the comic… hoping it will be there if there’s a fourth season
And Isaac? My baby was going through it this season, that whole journey was so beautiful and refreshing imo
ALSO Darcy this season!!!! Aaahh I love them so much, as a lesbian who’s only recently started to question my own gender seeing them discover themself like that was so so lovely
I also really loved how Charlie’s relationship to his parents was showed, I thought it was done really well! And Nick starting to realise he needs to figure out who he is without his boyfriend 🥺
Anyway I’ve yapped enough haha, feel free to answer this with as short or long of an answer as you want, and just give general comments on what you thought of the season, I just enjoyed getting to scream about this hehehehe 🥰🤓
omg first of all thank you for the hype 🤭... i'm also very excited about it too... while i have a plan for the most part, i pretty much have no clue about how i'm going to get to each point either so... y'know makes it fun and mysterious for me too!
i love yapping about season 3 i'm HYPED
imogen and sahar, obviously not a surprise. lesbian imogen also i fear we knew from season 1 but having that comphet representation is HUGE!!! i'm really excited about that.
i keep joking that imogen and sahar are finally the situationship representation in heartstopper but it is just not a joke anymore. 'better off as friends' my ass SAHAR U WROTE A SONG ABOUT HER
i fell to my knees every time michael holden appeared on screen. his appearance at the nye party GAGGED. ON THE FLOOR. they were so insane for that it was GORGEOUS.
i was genuinely so confused when tori didn't correct charlie on calling them a straight couple. i think i shouted at the screen for them to stay on the wheel because they weren't done LMAO... BUT BUT it totally means a more fleshed out sprolden sexuality arc which i am HYPED about. their relationship is so important to me im so excited for that representation to be more blatant.
everything with isaac happened so fast i got WHIPLASH him coming out to everyone at the zoo i was sobbing that representation is so important to me and just so so nice to see..... argrhfhf. though i almost just blanked out the whole tao isaac thing omg WHAT HAPPENED TO JAMES THEN??? INSANE. that was insane. glad they got past that one quickly god
no because mullet darcy HELLO kizzy looked amazing... non-binary lesbian representation ALSO huge like. GOD THIS SEASON WAS HUGE
no because episode 4 was DEVASTATING. but it was one of my fave episode of television i've ever watched. nick at the halloween party like. oh my god i feel like i still haven't digested it all yet.... charlie's talk with his parents too since they cut away in the comic me and my friend were SCREAMING through tears to cut away like my GOD. but joe did it beautifully and u could tell he really cared :,]
i also yapped incredibly hard. i could really do this for hours, honestly... i'm just so so excited fr. the way the cast was like this season is HOT its STEAMY its SEXY even though. like i've been a comic reader since about 2019. guys i fucken know we gotta get through volume 4 first SIT DOWWWNNN
so funny honestly imagine going into s3 with just THAT info then being hit with the emotional devastation which was eps 1-5. 6-8 were lit though
ok shutting up now. thank u for letting me yap you are the realest mf ever
thank u for all the love once again!!!!!
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spitefulcrepechan · 5 months ago
Well, I gots the main cast of this bloody swap au all set and done HEHEHEHE
And now to introduce you to them one by one
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Telliberry Cookie - A thief that was born in a poverish town. In order to support her home and family, she began going into neighboring towns and cities in an attempt to gather materials needed for survival. Eventually, though, she became hateful towards the rich and luxurious who pawned off the suffering of those like her, and so took to stealing their wealth and pride to give to her struggling town. One day, she stole something from the wrong guy, who arranged for her to be kidnapped and then imprisoned for god knows how long, enduring torture near constantly to the point where they tore one of her arms off all because of one item. While there, she formed a friendship with the nearby crows that would come and slip through the bars, offering them the small amounts of food she was given despite starving to death, which eventually paid off as they managed to free her from her prison and helped her escape. Now with her new corvid companions, she could be able to find all the resources she wanted for her struggling town, hoping to one day give the friends and family she grew up with the paradise they deserve.
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Crepe Yasan Cookie - The result of an inventor attempting to create a cookie robot with a heart. They lived most of their life sheltered and when they eventually convinced their parental figure to allow them social interaction with others, they were outcasted and made fun of for their robotic nature. It got to a point where they accidentally activated a self-defense mechanism and nearly crumbled somebody. This very action caused them to be hunted down, not for their violent act, but for the raw and unique power they wielded, and for their safety, their inventor had to abandon them far away in the woods. Now living as a loner, they managed to make a living off of being a wandering mechanics, visiting places and making repairs before leaving onto the next area. They hope to one day be able to finally settle down in a place that could accept them.
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Long Hu Feng Cookie - LHF was once comprised of three animals, a snake, a chicken, and a cat. These three animals were the beloved familiars of a witch who was still practicing in making living cookies. One by one, though, the familiars died of natural causes and the witch was devastated, so much that she decided to try and bring her beloved companions back with the baking magic she was given. She did something wrong, however, instead of managing to create 3 individual cookies, she managed to create one singular cookie, made with the remnants of her feral familiars. Even moreso, the cookie did not at all recognize the witch and had its own consciousness. Rather then being upset though, the witch decided to keep the cookie as her own familiar, one that managed to excel in terms of her late friends from the magical prowess it showed. Eventually, it wished to go and explore the world, see what other kinds of magic existed there, and so the witch allowed it, granting it a single silver spoon to use as a magic wand so that they could always be together. With the promise of returning after it has discovered everything Earthbread could offer, Long Hu Feng ventured out in search of new wonders.
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Ginger Cake Cookie - He was a creation of a witch much like LHF. Unlike it, however, he was made to be eaten, being forced to run and flee from his creator in order to increase his tastiness. After countless days of trying to survive, he would end up soon rebelling against his tormentor, managing to convince the cakehounds that were made to chase him into fighting the witch, not only earning his but their freedom as well. Wielding a cake knife, he and his pack managed to successfully escape the witch and escape out into Earthbread. Now with the whole world to discover, Ginger Cake journeys with his army of Cakehounds for a place to call home, where they never have to fear being eaten ever again.
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Cream Tea Cookie - The current president of the Creme Republic, who's currently on leave due to being on a very specific mission. That mission being to seek out the Five Auspicious Beasts and their Soul Jams in order face against a dabger to the entirety of Earthbread. Accompanied by his soldiers and equipped with his trusty compass, he hopes to accomplish his goal and save his homeland from the sovereign light that threatens everyone he knows and loves.
Due to fateful encounters that tied these five together, these cookies will band together on a journey across Beast-Yeast. With all their skills combine, they will be able to conquer any obstacles that gets in their way of obtaining their goals.
That Goal being to one day find a Kingdom. A Kingdom of Hope.
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desceros · 6 months ago
First off I just wanna say: love your fics, currently obsessed with Symphony and Viola-chan (I just wanna take her out platonically and let her have a fun time) and I am enjoying/looking forward to her continued journey of learning self-worth. I am salivating over the future b-side stories and to cope with the Leo trauma here I'm going back to your other stories like Singularity where he's not being a punk-ass motherfucker.
I have like a million other things to gush about your writing that I just can't articulate into actual thoughts so I leave my message with this. It's super funny that you write such distinct and memorable leads that everyone comes up with a fan name for them (like "that's not me that's viola-chan) and also; take care of yourself. Take as long as you need to do your writing. Your health and well being are what's most important.
funny you should say that! finding the balance between oc- and reader-insert has always been such a fun line for me. i personally always enjoy reader-inserts that have enough characterization that the insert-chan feels like a Character... but i don't like the ones that, for example, give a name or a physical description. just me personally, that tips past and into oc-territory, and while i'll sometimes give oc stories a try, they tend not to be my bag too much.
anywho. yeah the b-sides for symphony are going to be SO good when i finally have a moment and can write them. especially now that the biggest revelations are out for the first half of the fic, i can really have fun giving everyone emotional whiplash, hehehehe
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iri-desky · 1 month ago
Number 6 for... ALL your works HAHA. I love hearing about antagonists <3
6 - A song that describes your villain / antagonist
This one is kinda weird to answer because I'm not the kinda person who often writes direct villains? Like, not in the "disney post twist villain era" way, but moreso I'm not the kinda person who usually thinks "Okay, but who's gonna be the villain" and instead "Okay, how do I write this character that opposes these characters". So technically, yeah, I do write villains, just not that directly.
Anyway I had to do some thinking for this one and for the sake of clarity I'll at least give the name of each of the villains / villain groups + a brief description for each music assignment 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
🔔 - The Stall
The Stall really isn't a sentient being, moreso a strange force that seems to be fucking with the timeline. Though it does beg one to wonder how it managed to spread to the first place...
Gee, I wonder if this song has a clue towards their reasons...
🚗 - The Ansaldo Family
Poor Tom and Roxy, trying to take a rocking retro road trip (in 2017) ...only to totally not be hunted down by a weird mafia-cult (?) that was originally out for Tom's missing, declared dead father way back in the 70s and 80s and 90s and all that...surely nothing will go wrong?
🦈 - Cha
Doug just wanted to live a normal life up on the surface as the single dad of his kid and leave his past behind, until an old "friend" came calling from down in the hellish world of the deep below the surface...such an underwater hellscape is terrifyingly easy to find.
And Cha sure knows how to handle the place.
💤 - Sandy
If you're wondering, this is also the protagonist.
There really is no enemy in this one other than the protagonist themselves. Half the story happens in their own head. And they have to deal with all their own issues.
💾 - EnCrypt
Yknow, maybe creating those six realistic AI individuals as "perfect" beings (or rather, the protagonists of the story) that they decided to send out on the streets for an experiment wasn't the best idea...
👢 - Vihaan
Can't find it on Spotify sooo;
God Shattering Star - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Soundtrack
There really isnt much of a villain in this work other than geographic conflict between two kingdoms, though you really should question the validity of the Hero God's actions, who promises to bestow the most random of magical, *literal*, tangible gift items upon people in the kingdoms at SOME point in their life, whether it be moments after their birth or hours before their death.
🎭 - The Narrator
Man, you're sick if you think it's okay to assemble a bunch of actors in a mansion and wait for whatever unsuspecting pair of kids (you know, like a certain wannabe detective girl named Emma or a certain shy theatre kid girl Toni) stroll into its depths to start the most traumatizing game of "Who Am I?" in the history of mankind. I mean, who knows about Commedia Del Arte anymore !? Or Shakespeare's stuff..........smh....or theatre conventions....
⚔️ - ...
This one depends.
The Gilded Gallant is a story that challenges the usual good/evil, hero's journey thing. But not in an edgy "oh, we're all grey and evil" thing. But more in a "it's not as easy to define" or "labels suck" kinda way. It's very irreverent kinda unserious about making fun of tropes and such at the start but slowly gets darker as the story goes on.
I plan on this one to be a game, so there'd be multiple routes. Since I don't wanna spoil it, lemme just give you the theme for the "villain" chatacter of this story who I absolutely ADORE, Mischa;
🔮 - Also depends. This one's meant to be episodic so there's constantly a "villain of the week" but lemme just give you a song for the villain lady whose name I won't disclose who's an arc villain at one point; (or maybe at least just kinda a dick)
This ones also pretty unserious but it's got a great aesthetic, I'll tell ya that.
I mean, in a world where magical girls...oh, I mean magical witches and knights, are such a popular thing to the point that people expect them to come around and they're all treated like your run of the mill celebrities and fashion icons for those glitzy and unique outfits, who can you trust?
🧸 - Let's be honest, the enemy here is the entire environment. So lemme give you a song I think just fits the world;
(fun fact, little nightmares did indeed inspire this one!)
Can you really survive in a world as someone who's still (mostly) flesh where most of the world decides to modify their body somehow with mechanical and plastic modifications? Science got a little too advanced. Now everyone can be whatever they want! To...horrifying degrees.
🌕 - Depends on what you consider the "enemy" from the narrative here; is it scientists for accidentally creating a method of contriving authentic life that eventually fell into the wrong hands, letting freaks of nature run rampant and terrorize the earth? The people who took advantage of that? Or is it the strange, ethereal being that's been sighted around town that is making these things much bigger than they logically should be, and making things much stranger...
Either way, this ought to describe it;
^ Wanna join the ask game? It's right here!
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anincompletelist · 1 year ago
Back to ask many things my love
- hello a/b/o au please tell me more
- anything morsel for type one Alex
- also boxer Alex not even a snippet but just fun lore!!!
ok ok omg so --
I have dropped some lore on the a/b/o au here, here, and here! it's book canon verse with a few minor plot changes and I'm excited to explore some tropes that I haven't worked with before and do a little bit of world building of my own along the way!
DIABETIC ALEX MY BELOVED! I talked about him here and here but here's the summary for the fic as of right now hehehe
The entire world has it on video, Alex stumbling forward, straight into Henry’s shoulder, knocking him back into the table and then crumbling to the ground, the cake falling on top of them. Everyone thinks Alex was drunk, or that he hates him, or that he’s immature or unfit for his title, but none of it’s the truth. Everyone’s acting like it’s the end of the world regardless.  And maybe, for Alex, it kind of is.
he's based on my own journey with type one and it's been both really intimidating and also unbelievably cathartic to get all of it down onto a page and read it back to myself. it is a passion project for sure, and I can't wait to share it and hopefully relate to anyone else that may have type one or another chronic illness, and/or educate others on what it can be like!
AND HMM LETS SEE BOXER ALEX LORE ....... it might be the filthiest thing I have ever written ksjdhkshd. y'all know I love to use smut as a plot device and an avenue for character' development and growth and therefore it will make up a good probably 80% of this fic ksjhdksjhd. it's half-canon, so henry is still a prince but alex is not famous in this one (not as the FSOTUS, anyway). I'll give you the first line to ruminate on hehehehe:
It’s past midnight and snowing in Brooklyn when Henry learns how to breathe again. 
[send me an ask about my wips!]
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sweetpascal · 7 months ago
17, 44 & 47 !!!! 💗💗💗
ask game
hello, my darling yasi 🩷☺️
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
"Now I must remember you for longer than I have known you." - Fates of Two, Entwined (second to last paragraph at the end)
i remember seeing this quote so loonngggg ago and it stuck with me. it tore me up inside because remembering someone longer than knowing them is probably the most painful feeling you have to experience. so having a forbidden love type of story where they haven't confessed to one another but they know one loves the other, and completely ruining that by sprinkling in some angst ??? oh my god, HEARTBREAK. and i was successful in making my readers cry and feel that gut-wrenching heartache (hehehehehheheheeh).
44. any writing advice you want to share?
write things you really want to write, in the way you really want to write them. even though you can adopt new techniques, please remember that all writers operate differently. comparison is the thief of joy. even i compare myself to A LOT of extremely talented writers. but little by little, you can started incorporating certain techniques into your writing that allows you to still write comfortably while also improving your skill set. 🩷🩷🩷
47. what story are you most proud of?
Fates of Two, Entwined
this is the one story that unfortunately got the least bit of attention, but i'm not angry at it. this story took so loonnggg to write, and i put in hours, upon HOURS of medieval research into it. on google docs, it's 35 pages. and rereading it, i couldn't be more happier with the outcome. i will hold that story so close to my heart because from start to finish, it's beautifully devastating 🥹 i even surprised myself.
my fiancé is my biggest supporter when it comes to my writing. having him be apart of that journey with this story was a lot of fun. when i would feel dejected about my lack of knowledge with the medieval times, he would boost me back up and reassure me, and he would even help me edit and coach me by giving me his own knowledge of the medieval times cause he's a big ol' nerd heheheh.
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Hi, first things first *breaths in* omg we’re getting shadow milk cookie content within a few days! It’s a goddamn dream come true, the brain rot shall continue heheheh!
Anyways *ahem* I saw that post about golden butter cookie and now I think that our two oc’s are like, perfect parallels to each other? Like first off we have the pair of both the oldest and youngest, secondly they both have the mental health issues ™, they both create little constructs (which wasn’t intended I promy), and both were ancients that didn’t overtly turn evil or at least cause major destruction.
As a result of this I’ve made an au where both exist and help each other through their journey on beast yeast! I’ve dubbed it the “it takes two” au, where just as stated they help each other deal with the new situation brewing on beast mainly their friends being released and dark enchantress cookie. To varying results of course.
Now I don’t feel like I have the right to write for your character directly but I’ve come up with some scenarios and information! I hope you enjoy it!
-first of all having someone to talk to about the whole *situation* will be quite helpful and having them actually understand like fully, it’s like a gift sent from the heavens
-next I feel like arcane will try their darned best to help golden deal with their very clear depression, she’s learned to exist with hers over what like the past 1000 years for her. Will she open up to golden about her issues to much, no they feel like their issues don’t matter in the grand scheme of things so they’ll do that meme. “I’ll keep my feeling in here, and one day I’ll die”
-I feel like I’m this au arcane would rather die than admit they have feelings for shadow milk cookie, since they probably know or have guessed that golden had a crush.
-as the story progresses I feel like arcane egg will become more distant as time passes, which will start to mark the down fall and her ever diminishing defiance turning into hopelessness. The light of defiance was already quite diminished thanks to her mental health decline and loneliness long before returning to beast yeast. But NOW, there's a big storm coming and their being pulled under the waves.
That’s all i really have for now on that au but now new fun fact about arcane egg cookie!
Their technically dead! Will I elaborate? No you’ll have to wait for explanation on that one but I got a hint. It’s related to their soul jam :)
Anyways I hope you had a good read, and feel free to expand upon the au. I’d love to see it!
Ps: thanks for listening to my rambling and sorry for any spelling errors
I have been thinking about this since it first dropped into my inbox during school. so let's go.
First off, I absolutely agree on the parallel thing. Plus, I'm pretty sure that the two of them are yellow-themed as well. Well, Arcane Egg is more white, but their pallets are similar. Yet another parallel!
And as for 'It Takes Two', it can either be really funny or pretty angsty depending on which Goldie timeline I decide to use. If Goldie had left the Toy-Box(under the name of Butterscotch Cookie of course) and met 'Egg Tart Cookie' then she'd probably be rather suspicious of them mainly due to the fact that she can sense that they've had a soul jam in the past.
I do believe that Butterscotch would talk to Egg Tart privately just to confirm what or who exactly they are, it would also be funny if they did this before Elder Fairy explained the fallen heroes story. Assuming that they join up with Gingerbrave and co here.
As for the one where Goldie doesn't leave the Toy-Box on her own... Well, for one it's a lot angstier since Goldie isn't as... well, well off if she's stayed in the toy box. It also depends on if it's Egg Tart or Arcane Egg that shows up, and if gingerbrave and co are there.
point is she'll be suspicious of Egg tart no matter what.
Also, another 'fun' thing considering the Goldie lore. Considering that the last time Shadow Milk visited her he gave her a kiss and said that he loved her before leaving the toy-box... yeah. Also Goldie definitely has feelings for Shadow Milk, and has ranted about what he did to her to Arcane Egg before. So yeah! fun.
Also about the whole Arcane Egg technically being dead thing... that's rather interesting! Did they 'die' when they gave away their soul jam? Cause I do know that they did that.
also yes having someone to explain everything to her would be a god send for goldie, and might make her a bit better as well... maybe.
Also also also, feel free to write for Goldie if you want to! I'm excited to see how you might characterize her. I also don't mind if other people want to write for my ocs, i find it interesting to see how they could interoperate them!
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bookipsies · 5 months ago
Hi, I'm following you now because apparently we have similar tastes. I'm sending you an ask now simply to inform you of this similarity and my appreciation for your blog. Have a MARVELOUS day!
Also, COSMEEERREEE heheheh *descends into insane cackling*
Ahh! Legitimately I think my first tumblr message in years. and it was so nice and funny thank you so much!
I legitimately think starting this whole cosmere journey has been one of the more important things I’ve done in recent years. Just all of it somehow feels so comforting? Maybe it’s because I haven’t read a big fantasy in a long time. More likely it’s because it reminds me of when I did read fantasy when I was younger and was better at remembering to have fun and to maybe be a little nicer to myself.
Well happy to have a new friend!
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pieofdeath · 11 months ago
re: the rotd spotify playlist, explain your vision for pathological facade (please and thank you) :]
Hehehehe HIII bubblegum :D Pathological Facade is a multi-faceted answer! So you’ll get ALL the parts :D 
1- Honey I'm Home, also by Ghost and Pals, is one of the main ROTD songs! You can see its influences in ch1 especially. So I already sort of associate them with ROTD, and Pathological Facade came out while I was writing it!
2- holds up the lyrics "a year ago I was told that I would be a miracle" "go on praise me like a god" “who will I become” and then holds up Kevin and Diana. There are a lot of songs on here that boil down to “im mentally ill over the cult” (there are also a lot of songs that boil down to “im mentally ill over the ships” but this isn’t one of them) and while this one doesn’t have… a lot of textual/lyrical evidence to back up why I always think about them when I listen to it, I certainly do always think about them. 
Idk. I think it’s interesting to think about what, exactly, being raised the only child of a cult leader would entail. And, while I haven’t quite gotten to it textually (BUT CERTAINLY PLAN TO), Diana joined the cult when she was 16. Jim was in his mid-30’s, and I’m just saying. That Diana looking up to Jim like a father figure (especially in the absence of her ACTUAL father, another thing I plan to get to) for the first two decades or so until she becomes disillusioned with the cult ISN’T EXACTLY UNREALISTIC. 
Diana and Kevin have more similarities than anyone thinks- including themselves. They just go about their similar issues in entirely different ways, obscuring that they both grew up in a deeply toxic and isolating environment, depending on a man who didn’t have their best interests at heart, where violence was normalized (dropped a hint about this in ch18) and, for several years, sudden upheaval was expected. 
Diana rejected and resented all of it when she got older. Kevin made himself perfect for it. Part of this is because Diana remembers life before- Kevin never had that. But, now that Dan and Seán are in the picture…
3- Also! "seeing things that cannot be retold" Kevin’s journey to death and back and the realization that no one will quite ever get it completely! Dan comes pretty close, having been his companion for most of it, but he doesn’t get all of it because he isn’t privy to Kevin’s head and the environmental factors that contributed to some of the less savory decisions Kevin made. 
And also! The general silence about the whole thing- both to protect Dan/Brian/Diana (and to a lesser extent, Gabriel) from people poking their heads into the death/afterlife business (although it doesn’t stop it, it certainly slows it and most note-worthy sources like newspapers and such think its a hoax/town joke/legend after a lil while, mostly because the trio won’t take any photos where they wouldn’t get all of the copies) and to prevent the murder from getting out to anyone who’d charge them for it (they don’t know if the law allows the trial of a dead man but they’re not keen on finding out)
4- it’s also just. Really fun to listen to. And this is as much a “listen to while writing ROTD” playlist as it is the playlist for ROTD. It has a silly lil sound at the end that I think sounds like the nintendo switch click that they use for ads :D
5- holds up more lyrics. “Let’s rejoin our family in the mirror world.” the “mirror world” can be death :D meaning “our family” can be Gabriel (and Grim if you want!)
6- holds up “Let’s rejoin our family in the mirror world” again. holds up my spinoff oneshot au-of-an-au that’s yet to be written. What. who said that. Huh. 
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